terça-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2011

O site SXSW publicou uma materia sobre o Thiago Pethit

O site SXSW publicou uma matéria sobre o Thiago Pethit. Confira a matéria:

Thiago Pethit is a 27 years old, Brazilian singer-songwriter. He started playing on the same Sao Paulo clubs as CSS, Cibelle, Céu and Bonde do Role but very differently from the "party-music" of his Brazilian peers, his music is the missing link between Elliot Smith, Tom Waits and Bossa Nova, Tropicalia and MPB ("Brazilian Popular Music"). Pethit released his first album titled "Berlim, Texas" in march 2010, with 11 songs composed by him. Six months later, he was calling the attetion of some important brazilian´s musicians, such as Caetano Veloso. And won the 2010 edition for MTV Awards, as a new performer.
He already did the opening acts for Will Oldhan, Sebastien Tellier, Jens Lekman, Beirut and Nouvelle Vague´s shows in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro.
Folk music, vaudeville style, French, English and Portuguese languages, and Brazilian sounds are all mixed up in his simple and sophisticated music.

Daqui a pouco traduzido em nosso site.

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